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Showing posts from October, 2017

Is There Anyone There?

Is there a point to any of this? Why do I sit and write like this? Is anyone even out there to read this shit? All seems a bit hopeless and desperate. My heart is on my sleeve, I bleed for you, Can't you see? I cannot hear a single soul, It is lonely here, The quietness is my friend, That I know, Still makes me feel hollow, When I feel I am on my own. Maybe I shall disappear into the moonlight, Escape to the sea, Back to where my heart has always been. Would anyone even notice I had gone? Doubtful, Since I seem to be the only one who hears this sorrowful song. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


Don't be scared to be different, You do not need to fit in, You are unique within yourself, Separate from everything else, You have never aspired to be anything else, You have always been happy being yourself. That annoys people at times, You don't care, You never did, You are happy doing your own thing, That stings them, All that does is make you sing. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


If you have shoes on your feet, Food in your stomach, A roof over your head, Love in your heart, A brain in your head, You are luckier than most. Don't lose hope, You can choose which direction you go, Even if it feels wrong, When you fall, Pick yourself back up off the floor, You know the correct way to go.


You numb yourself, In the hopes that you may forget, All the things you forgot to forget, Now you remember too well, Its on these things the brain dwells. No escape from here my dear, Trapped in a hell, You built for yourself, Locked the door. Made a bed on the coals, So they could burn you some more, They slowly cook your soul, No place else left to go, It makes you shiver to your core. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


You are worth more, Much more than an afterthought, Why can't they understand that? You should be more than second choice, If not, Set them free, Then let yourself be happy, Give yourself time to rejoice, You have lived your life more than most. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry

Rain Hitting the Window Pane

The rain hitting the windowpane, Evokes happiness within, Brings me back to being a child, Sleep comes easily when the heavy rain batters the house, All cuddled up and warm, Safe once more. Roaring open fire below, The flames dance within, All together again. Drip drop goes the melodic sound, Joins me to heaven, In my sleep I head back to years gone by, As if its the first time around, All is great, All is sound. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry

Dead Inside

You are so dead deep within, All that once lit up, Has perished and died. Still you wish to make others smile, It's kind of cute of you, To try your best to be a beacon of light, You use all of your might. Nobody knows just how withered you truly are, The gaping hole in your soul, Or how it likes to reside deep inside. Maybe that is what keeps your spark alive? The weeds that are forever dragging you down, Still you try to fight your frowns, Refusing to be brought down. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


Once upon a time, In a land faraway, A little girl used to dream a grand dream, Of being a princess, Having all the riches, Being kind and never bitchy. Then she grew up, The world ate her whole, Burned her a tiny bit more, Until all that was left was a giant hole. In the place of the little girl, Was an old scary troll, All angry and fighting all the more, That little girl ran away from home, A long time ago. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


When things are not going as planned, When your life doesn't seem worthwhile, When stress crosses your door, Money is tight, You feel alone, It is then you should vote to help yourself, To better your life, To help end the stress. When you are doing well, Never forget the life you have led, It is then you must vote to free others from distress. Be courageous, Be strong, Vote for the masses, Help life become easier for everyone. This is the only way we can grow, It is by showing love for each other, Then we may become one, Don't let selfishness stop you from doing more, Listen to your heart, Then you will know which way to go. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


The happy side of life is easy, Those are the days when everyone is excited and having fun, You feel thrilled to drink in the sun, To inhale the heat, Deep breaths, Feel the joy within, It melts the ice around your soul. Its the dark days, The cold days you have to worry about, When everything seems worthless, Those are the times you should feel scared. For its days like those, You worry you cannot make it out the other side. Yet one way or another, You claw your way out, You always do, You tunnel through, In the hope sunshine will too. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


You threw the match, You set us all in flames, Up we went, You watched it all, Then off you crawled. We saw no more, For we all were gone, Disappeared into ashes, All from the fire you first lit, Though you choose never to admit it. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life

Last Laugh

Every drip of that tap, I know you did not depart, For anytime I think of you, I hear the sound of water flow, Each memory that revolves again and again, Inside my head, Always of you, Only you, Drip, drip goes the tap, I know then you are having the last laugh. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


Bring me home, Back to the years all gone by, When everything made sense. When there was joy and happiness, To the woman who knew best, Made me feel hopeful not hopeless. She has gone, Now we lament, All I have are tear stained garments. For this is reality, Now I am the adult, The parent, The one in control, When all I really want to do is cry and run home. Yet here I am, I am the Mam, The guiding light, The one they love, I am as terrified as can be, With nobody here to lead me, God help us all, I plead to thee. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


You wish to remain ignorant, Hide your head in the sand, Pretend things are not happening, Yet here we are. Caught in situations that are completely unreal, You are caught within them, Why can't you see? You're still listening to the bullshit they spill, Writhing around in their wrongdoing and their mess, Happy in this pig sty with this stress. You refuse to learn, Or even research, Happy to go along with the status quo, Even though you seem to know nothing at all. One day you shall wake up and despise yourself, For being so pathetic and for letting them make you feel so worthless. You never once tried to help yourself, Shame on you! You are a shameless mess. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry

Missed Opportunities

All you do is play the blame game,  All the missed opportunities? Someone else's fault, The lost loves? That was their problem, Never yours, Always someone else's mistake, They didn't know the right way to go. Now you look back, You think to yourself, Maybe it was you, You were filled with cowardice. You chose not to jump, You were frightened of heights, Now all you do is obsess about all the things that have now drifted out of sight. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


I have loved you the most, Knowing what I know now, Thinking all may be lost, Shakes my core forevermore. Only one you, Always by my side, My staunch supporter. Where have I been for you? Lost within my own world, Disloyal, My reactions have been cataclysmic, Over reactions, Volatile. Anger brimmed, Accusations have flown, Yet you stood still, You took it all. I am sorry, For my black moods, My mean thoughts, I was lost at sea, It was not the real me.


Wild at heart, Is how I have always been, Don't try to tame me, If that is your mission, Please just leave me be. Young and vivacious, In my mind, Within my soul, Though my body is ageing, My heart knows the score. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


Thinking about dieting is easy, It's the remembering to be on a diet, That is what makes it hard. My memory leaves me, As soon as a diet has been called into play, I soon think... I have not eaten at all, When in fact I have scoffed it all. Dieting is easy, Like riding a bike, On the wrong side of the road, The pedals are engulfed in flames, So is the saddle, You are trying your best to keep going, Its an uphill battle, You are alight, Is this diet really worth the fight? © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry

Same Old

What am I doing tomorrow? Same old shit I did today, Hopefully I will remember to brush my hair, Feel okay, Get up, Act normally, Try to remember the day. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry

Peter Pan

Peter Pan come back, Show yourself, Let me see your face, I left my window ajar, In the hope we can escape this place. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry

A Thousand Deaths

You wanted to be normal, So much so, You happily sold your soul, You chained yourself to this boring life, It refuses to make you feel droll. Yet inside you die a thousand deaths, Each despair greater than the last, It sucks the air right out of your chest, All that you once were has gone, You are no more, All that is left is a black hole. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry

Just Being You

True beauty shines through, When you do what you want to do, You don't care what anybody thinks of you, You're happy just being you. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


She has confided in you, Every minute detail about her past, You cannot deny it has changed how you see her, She doesn't look the same to you, Right before your eyes, You witnessed all that you once loved... die. All you see now is scar tissue, You think her ugly, The baggage she carries around, You wish it gone, You don't like what you have heard, You wish it would once again submerge. I see something entirely different, I see a warrior, I see history, I see experience, Mostly though, I see strength. The problem with you is... You never see anything good in anyone, You want everything to be perfect, That's not life though. Sometimes you have to brace yourself and go with the flow, Be grateful someone trusted you enough to let you know all their highs and lows. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


Your mind knows the truth, Long before your heart ever will, Even when the truth is blatantly obvious, The heart refuses to believe it, It blocks it out, Its easier that way, Yet the mind knows and it won't let the truth go. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


I'm sorry to say this but things have changed, Nothing is how it once was, My perception of you has altered, Now my reality has too. Just accept the fact that things have moved on, It won't go back to how it was, It's all gone now, It's best to let it go, Yes, it was because of a million things you've done, Who am I to judge? I do though. Don't blame yourself, That's how its got to be, Let’s leave things where they are, I've set you free. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


Isn't it scary what a smile can hide? There is venom behind that glistening beam, Those pearly whites pretend everything's alright. That's when you must listen to your heart, Be smart, Look into their eyes, For its in there nothing can hide. The windows to the soul, Shall speak to you, They will tell you all you wish to know. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry

Week End

Countdown to the week end, This is what we do, Its a ritual, Like part of us, Ingrained within our skin. Monday makes us cry, Tuesday we are half there, Wednesday we get a second wind, Thursday is our day of happiness, Friday is our favourite time. Everything seems to rush on by, The weekend is here, We want to scream, Maybe we shall cry. Then as quick as can be, Its all over, Sunday is here, Now its chaos, A day filled with fear. Our weekend fun has departed, Then all of a sudden, It's Monday again, Is this really our life? Do we have to do this again? I can’t be bothered with this anxiety, Nor with this strife. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


Keep trying, Never give up, Try to move forwards, Little steps, Until you have the confidence to take huge bounds, Remember... Little hinges open big doors. Don't throw your dreams away, Whisper them to the wind, Set your mind and heart on them, Then pray, See your hard work materialise, Leave any negativity far behind. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry


Anyone poor understands how extortionate it is to be needy, How hard life is to find yourself destitute, Where are all those friends you once made? Nowhere to be seen, Disappeared into space. Substandard life is what you have, That's okay, You feel you deserve it that way. They don't like to make it easy you see, Maybe you could be something if you had the money. One more kick they give, Down you fall, Back in your place, What a disgrace. Living on the breadline is an expensive thing, They don't care about you, Or that you're probably crying. © 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks Love Life Poetry