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Week End

Countdown to the week end,
This is what we do,
Its a ritual,
Like part of us,
Ingrained within our skin.

Monday makes us cry,
Tuesday we are half there,
Wednesday we get a second wind,
Thursday is our day of happiness,
Friday is our favourite time.

Everything seems to rush on by,
The weekend is here,
We want to scream,
Maybe we shall cry.

Then as quick as can be,
Its all over,
Sunday is here,
Now its chaos,
A day filled with fear.

Our weekend fun has departed,
Then all of a sudden,
It's Monday again,
Is this really our life?
Do we have to do this again?
I can’t be bothered with this anxiety,
Nor with this strife.

© 2017 MK AC Nevin-Crooks
Love Life Poetry


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