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Showing posts from July, 2017


I do not wish to compete, Not anymore, I lost that drive long ago. I dream of being the best me that I can possibly be, Well at least I can try to be better, Than the me that greeted me yesterday, I know I can surpass her, So I've let that me go. She was as tiresome as can be, She bored me, I am ready to be the best version of me, I have decided to step out of my way, Be as great as I can possibly be.


Who are you? Are you just like me? Are you unsure too? Confused as can be, Where should we be? Where exactly do we fit in? I never did truly know, I still don't understand where I am meant to go, I keep trying though, Would you like to join me in this woe?


Surround yourself with happy people, With laughter, joy and fun, Nothing else matters, Not in the long run. Keep the negativity away, Don't let it sway you, Or ruin a magical day, Keep it at bay, Do not delay, Act today.

Sleep Deprived

Sleep deprived, These poor little eyes, So tired yet I cannot concentrate my mind. Wide awake, Filled with fret, Oh how I wish I could sleep soundly in my bed. The aches, The pains, The voices in my brain, All sit on me until I don't feel well again. Let me be free, To dream, To be at peace, To see your enchanted face, So I may dance 'til dawn, Within my favourite song, When will sleep call me home?


I no longer think of you, Of all we once were, Wasted memories, Thinking back so far, Pointless moments that left a scar. I no longer care whether you are near or far, I left you behind me a long time ago, I no longer wish to spar. I found the real meaning of life, All that is good, No longer wasteful just full of sprite, I found it all when you exited my life, That was my right.

Little Things

All these tiny things, The ones you take for granted, Will one day become the huge things, You will wish you had not wasted, Be thankful for what you have, Rejoice herewith. For it is the little things that we hold in our heart, Hold them tight for one day, They shall depart.


There is no friend like you, My lovely sister too, I know I can depend on you, No matter what we have been through.

Mommy Loves You

The love I feel for you all, Will never run out, So never despair, It is in my heart, Distilled especially for you, True love, Beyond compare, No need to share, There is enough already there. You have all heard my heart beat from in there, Oh how I love you and your beautiful stares, Mommy loves you, Know that love shall never fail.


I never tell you much, That you are indeed my whole world, I know your work is tough, That we don't see each other enough. I want you to know, You have saved me more than most, Humble and kind, My beautiful blue eyed boy, Melted my heart, Made me jump with joy, All the time acting coy. That first day we met back in June 2004, I remember it vividly, It is never a chore, Know that I want you even more, Our love soars, For you alone my heart roars.


I have travelled through it all, Broken promises, Misery, Falls. Transported above all else, I withstood the madness that resounded in my head, Forgot it all, Pretended I had hallucinated instead. Made it out the other end, To this day, Where I found myself, I realised I am finally my own best friend.


Strength has been instilled in my bones, It's who I am, Who I always was. I never did let that part of me slide, Strong grows within my heart and soul, It never did let go. Mum sowed that within us long ago, Long before she was called home, Left us here all alone. Up above she flies, Burning bright, She never did depart, I can still feel the love she gave me, It swelters within my heart.


It's been four long years, Since you've not been here, Mother's Day... I felt you near. So many signs that you were nearby, They all rained down, I held you within my mind. The best present I could have prayed for, Something I never could have paid for, A baby boy with eyes so blue, Born to join my other happy two. A family of five, Joy swoops by, It falls down on us, Fills us up, Makes us part of the joie de vivre. We have it all, Within these four walls, This is all we need. I want to thank you Mom, Tell you I miss you more than anything at all, Love you forever, Look for me I will adore you whenever, My heart beats for you as a joyous endeavour, Always for you, Wonderful you.


Say it all, Say it now, For you never know if today is your last day on this earth. Don't hold it in, Speak your truth on a whim, This way you will always win.


Fuck it! Just do it, Stop being guided by fear. Jump! Run! Throw the Devil from your back, Do it now my dear, Refuse to bow down with fear. You want it all? First you must be fearless, Forget it all, Do it anyways, Make the changes, Stranger things have happened here. Forget the safety nets, To get the results you want, Release yourself from this self-imposed rut.


Time stops for no man, That’s what makes it harder, You are no more. It is the moments that take their toll, Rip my breath out, Strips me whole.


Forget to act, Let your mask slip, Stop playing for people, Especially the ones who do not mean enough. Be yourself, Who you are, To hell with anything else. You have spent half your life trying to live up to expectations, Ones you cannot surpass, The other half worrying about people, Who do not deserve your time. They caused the anxiousness that you feel, They put it there, So why do you care about anything they have to say? Fuck them, Leave anything they say, Way over there.

Mayo Man

Mayo man, All tall and fine as you like, Kind too, Made me laugh the whole night through, Nobody quite like you. Dark and brooding, When you don't smile, I see the fear in you, The Devil clings to your back, Leads you down a dark path, You always seem to come back. Black eyes, Dark hair, I see your soul, It flies away from there, You have it all and more, If only you would believe that though.


You cling to your memories, They are all you have left, The promises made were broken, Left by the side of the road, So what you got now? A useless double edged sword.


You are my angel, Through it all, You guided me through the rough, Together we enjoyed the smooth, Forever together we enjoy the groove.


So many places yet to travel, People to meet, Laughs still to have, Chats under the stars, Ones you have not yet had. Horizons yet to be seen, Sunrises still a distant dream, All these things you are yet to see. Wine waiting to be sipped, Stories not yet heard, Maybe it will be time to forget the woes? Let the misery go. So many dreams are yet unturned, They will find a way, First you must believe they are there though? Lead the way, Forget to be stern, Let the heartache go, See your dreams begin to flow.


Keep going, Don't give up, This isn't your time, It's not your stop. Though days feel dark, Your heart feels dropped, No energy left, Can't stop the bad thoughts. Dig deep my friend, Understand today will end, Tomorrow is a brand new start, Filled with hopes and dreams, If only you will stay another day. Hold on tight, Keep hold of the fight, As long as that burns bright, This is your right.


The stones they hit you with, They reverberated to the bone, You took it all until you could take no more. So you played them at their own game, You threw their stones right back, Knocked them on the floor They didn't like that, They accused you of more, Said the Devil had taken control, They didn't want to know you anymore. It seems they didn't like what they had sown, So they did what they do best, They blamed you for it all.


In the end, It’s the indifference that hurts the most, That is what cuts the deepest, You thrust that knife, Lunged it into my heart, Further still, You made sure it was right in. Add in all the other things, An amalgamation of everything, The lack of communication, No effort, No remorse, The final nail in the coffin? The lack of concern, Did you ever care at all?


For this love is true, It's real, It was withstood all the tests. I know you now, As I will know you tomorrow, Enduring love, Says it all, Forever together, You and I. My heart calls for you, That is always real, Never-ending truth, I love you, Always did, Always will, Forever you.

Worse Things

There are sadder things that could have occurred, The end of love is nothing, Not really, Not in the grand scheme of things. At least you have loved at all, You felt more than most, More than them all, Before the fall. Imagine if you had not felt love at all? Oh how far you have come, Be happy you felt anything at all.


Don't pretend someone has not existed at all, That hurts more than anything, To not acknowledge the existence of someone so important is a slap in the face. I did not forget they died, You are not reminding me, I live with it every moment of every day, This is my life, These are my memories. For you to ignore that they have died is worse than a punch in the face, The anger I feel towards you is insurmountable. I cannot put a lid on it, I am in turmoil, I am incensed anyone should dare to forget they have died, Someone I loved so dearly has gone, Yet nobody says anything at all. Acknowledge my loss, Make sure I know you know, For then I know you celebrate their life too. By giving me your condolences you show me their life meant something, Respect is easily shown, Therefore, I know your life means something to me. Thank you for acknowledging my loss, That means the most, For then I know their death still means something,